Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Read Box

When you go to the grocery store or even to Wal-mart or Freddy's there seems to always be a Red Box for DVD rentals. These red boxes have become more and more popular over the years and it seams like the are all over the place. So I took this idea and pulled books that were made into movies and made a READ BOX.
 To make my display red I used a red plastic table cloth. I Googled the images of book covers and printed them so they would all be the same size. This display was so popular that we ended up leaving it up all summer.

Fizz, Boom, READ bulletin board

The 2014 summer reading program theme was Fizz, Boom, Read. We had lots of programs based around this fun science theme. So to keep our patrons informed we had this bulletin board. To make the board I used the clip art provided by the Collaborative Summer Reading Program. Then made a spot for each age group to post their events for the summer.

 Each month we would switch out the sheets of paper to list the current months activities for children, young adults, and adults. We had record numbers register and attend our activities this year.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Let's Get Started

Having worked in a public library for over 15 years I have had some fun displays, bulletin boards, programs, and ways to share information about literature to the public. As I was going through pictures saved to my SD card I decided that I would share these ideas with you. I hope that my ideas may inspire you to pick up a book and/or share displays in your own library or classroom. Ok, here it goes--
:) Becky