Monday, November 21, 2016

Collection Development

I know this has nothing to do with displays or programs. However an important part of my job is collection development. That means that I have the opportunity to help keep a section in the library filled with reading materials.
My area is the paperbacks for adult readers. I love ordering new books! But there comes a time when old and unpopular books need to be "weeded." I spent a good amount of time in October reviewing books and deciding what to "let go."
Some of the books I decided to delete.
Some of the things I watch for:
  • Books falling apart (then I have to decide if a new copy needs to be ordered)
  • Age of the book
  • How often does it check out?
  • When was it checked out last? (this time around I deleted books that had not been used in 4 years)
  • How many times has it been checked out?
  • Is it part of a series?
  • Do we own it in another collection?
  • Is the book out of print?
Weeding is a little stressful because I don't like to get rid of books. So it is good to keep in mind that 1) they go to the Friends of MPL Book Sale and 2) it makes room for more new books.