Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Library Elves

Elves have been caught on camera. For the next few weeks pictures of where they have been spotted will be posted on the bulletin board at the bottom of the stairs. They do not stay in that location, but they do leave a secret word behind (example: Prancer). When a patron comes to the circulation desk and tells us the word of the day they receive a candy cane. Activity will run through January 3 (most of the kids Christmas break).

Find this location (Friendship Bench) for the hidden word of the day.

Bulletin board in our entryway

Behind the circulation desk!

Is that my poinsettia?
The places they have visited so far get added to the board.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Strange holidays

Did you know there is a "holiday" for everyday of the year? I put together this fun little table top display for National Chocolate Candy Day (December 28) and we are putting books with the theme "chocolate in fiction" on it for the rest of the month.
See other daily holiday ideas here http://www.holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/
or here https://nationaldaycalendar.com/

Holiday books

Snow is falling.....
           Books are calling.

Shelves filled with December holiday books.

Sides wrapped in shiny snowflake wrapping paper.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Honoring our Vets

We wanted to interview local veterans for Veteran's day on our weekly Facebook video, but they were camera shy. However they were very happy to share with us some of their favorite books. So we put together this display with the books they recommended. I tried to keep 5-10 books on the display during the month of November.